Major reduction of water loss.
Thanks to LORNO, a quarter of the damage expenses and, until now, 50% of the water loss is reduced already in 17 out of the 50 hydrants that are to be equipped. The main goal is to reduce the water loss permanently to five to ten per cent of the current losses through LORNO.
About three years after the commissioning of the LORNO network monitoring system, we had the chance to ask Walter Rossi, deputy chief mechanic, Adrian Spring and Simon Aemmer, network mechanics from the Industrial Services Interlaken, about their experiences with LORNO.
Hydrants working with a high-tech control system. The EW Lachen AG has decided to improve the control of their water pipeline network. Until 2013, half of all hydrants in the community are to be equipped with a leak detection system.
Early leak detection and thus saved costs and saved water.
As first community of the region, Sargans has installed the LORNO control system. With this system, damages in the water pipelines are detected early and reparations can be planned accordingly. This leads to cost savings, and the investment will be amortized in just a few years.
Trinkwasser ist das wichtigste Lebensmittel und wird auch am strengsten kontrolliert. Damit die Wasserqualität auch am Flughafen Zürich stimmt, macht Beat Inauen regelmässige Kontrollen. airportTV war mit ihm unterwegs.
The water pipeline network under controlled monitoring. The community has installed a leak detection (LORNO) monitoring system which allows them to save costs.
Drinking water is a massive and important asset. The three big leakages that were responsible for a loss of 1500 m3 of water in a week are nothing more than a bad memory.
Huge ears which can recognize water leakages. The water pipeline network loses millions of cubic meters of the blue gold. The communities try to fight these ruining leakages and the results pay off.
Fuites: une perte sèche pour les communes. La commune de Montfaucon a décidé de prendre les choses en main et a installé un système de surveillance de son réseau d'eau potable qui fonctionne en écoutant le bruit au coeur des conduites.
Date de parution de l'article: 27 décembre 2017.© Cet article est reproduit avec l’autorisation des Editions D+P SA, société éditrice du Quotidien Jurassien.
You will find further information about LORNO here: